import System import System.IO import System.Net import System.Drawing import System.Drawing.Imaging import System.Text.RegularExpressions import AlbumArtDownloader.Scripts import util class BuyDotCom(AlbumArtDownloader.Scripts.IScript): Name as string: get: return "" Version as string: get: return "0.8.5" Author as string: get: return "alsaan, DRata, Alex Vallat" def Search(artist as string, album as string, results as IScriptResults): artist = StripCharacters("&.'\";:?!", artist) album = StripCharacters("&.'\";:?!", album) searchParameter = EncodeUrl(artist + " " + album) //Retrieve the search results page searchResultsHtml as string = GetPage("${searchParameter}&from=6&sid=6&page=1&pv=1") //Check whether we actually got any relevant result or not if(searchResultsHtml.IndexOf("did not return an exact match") > -1): return //Remove "Results ... in All Categories" allCategories = searchResultsHtml.IndexOf(" in all categories ") if(allCategories > -1): searchResultsHtml = searchResultsHtml.Substring(0, allCategories) //Remove "Similar Products in " similar = searchResultsHtml.IndexOf(">Similar Products in ") if(similar > -1): searchResultsHtml = searchResultsHtml.Substring(0, similar) //Extract all the thumbnails and the links to product pages itemsRegex = Regex("
\\s*[^\"]*/(?[^\"]*)\\.html)\"[^>]*>\\s*]*src=\"(?[^\"]*)\"[^>]*title=\"(?[^\"]*)\"[^>]") itemsMatches = itemsRegex.Matches(searchResultsHtml) //Set the estimated number of covers available (approx. 1 cover per product page) results.EstimatedCount = itemsMatches.Count for itemMatch in itemsMatches: AddThumbnail(results, itemMatch) def AddThumbnail(results, itemMatch as Match): title = itemMatch.Groups["title"].Value productPageUrl = "" + itemMatch.Groups["productPageUrl"].Value productNumber = itemMatch.Groups["sku"].Value thumbnailUrl = itemMatch.Groups["thumbnailUrl"].Value if not thumbnailUrl.EndsWith(".gif"): imageUrl = String.Format("{0}.jpg", productNumber) results.Add(imageUrl, title, productPageUrl, -1, -1, productNumber, CoverType.Front) def RetrieveFullSizeImage(productNumber): imageUrl = String.Format("{0}.jpg", productNumber) request = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(imageUrl) as System.Net.HttpWebRequest imageStream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream() imageStream = ConvertToMemoryStream(imageStream) bitmap = Bitmap(imageStream) frameSize = GetFrameSize(bitmap) if frameSize > 125: croppedBitmap = CropBitmap(bitmap, 125) imageStream.Dispose() imageStream = ConvertImageToStream(croppedBitmap) croppedBitmap.Dispose() elif frameSize > 0: croppedBitmap = CropBitmap(bitmap, 250) imageStream.Dispose() imageStream = ConvertImageToStream(croppedBitmap) croppedBitmap.Dispose() bitmap.Dispose() imageStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) return imageStream def GetFrameSize(bitmap): imageSize = bitmap.Width imageMiddle as int = imageSize / 2 frameSize = 0 whiteArgb = Color.White.ToArgb() for i in range(0, 130): frameSize = i color = bitmap.GetPixel(i, imageMiddle) if color.ToArgb() != whiteArgb: break color = bitmap.GetPixel(imageMiddle,i) if color.ToArgb() != whiteArgb: break color = bitmap.GetPixel(imageSize - i - 1,imageMiddle) if color.ToArgb() != whiteArgb: break color = bitmap.GetPixel(imageMiddle, imageSize - i - 1) if color.ToArgb() != whiteArgb: break return frameSize def CropBitmap(bitmap, size): x as int = ((bitmap.Width / 2) - (size / 2)) y as int = ((bitmap.Width / 2) - (size / 2)) w = size h = size croppedBitmap = bitmap.Clone(Rectangle(x, y, w, h), bitmap.PixelFormat) bitmap.Dispose() return croppedBitmap def ConvertImageToStream(image): stream = System.IO.MemoryStream() image.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png) stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) return stream def ConvertToMemoryStream(sourceStream as Stream) as Stream: buffer = array(byte, 4096) readBytes = 1 memoryStream = MemoryStream() while readBytes > 0: readBytes = sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length - 1) memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes) sourceStream.Dispose() sourceStream = memoryStream memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) return memoryStream